Friday, August 26, 2011


I am so glad we all made it to the weekend. What a week this has been!

Today my husband and I both took the day off, since we weren't sure how long we'd be at the hospital with Emma today. We decided to take Sophie with us instead of dropping her off at her babysitter's house. Last night I downloaded an episode of Sesame Street (her favorite right  now) and a few Sesame Street podcasts that are basically 6 minute episodes from iTunes in preparation of a long visit. I packed her diaper bag last night with snacks and books, and Emma took her blanket, book, and puzzle book. We were to be at admitting at 8:00, and signed in at 7:59. We got her registered, were sent to radiology, and she had her CT scan 15 minutes earlier than scheduled. That has to be a first for a hospital!

After the scan, I asked the radiologist where to next, and he said "home!" Really? When the nurse from our pediatrician's office called, I had the impression we were seeing a neurologist today also. Of course the desk there doesn't have any information about that, so I called our pediatrician's office. Nope, neuro appointment is in October! Like my friend said, though, if the radiologist had seen a problem on her scan we wouldn't have been simply sent home.

So still no answers, but we're moving in that direction instead of just waiting, at least.

A very happy note, though, is that today, Emma is fine! No headache, normal appetite, laughing, playing around, perfectly normal. It's so nice after two weeks of pain. I really hope this lasts this time and we have a long time between headaches again.

Yesterday I had called her school to let them know she was still going to be absent, and that today was the hospital visit, and they were getting her assignments from the week from her teachers. We were going to stop on the way home to pick them up and she suddenly said "You can't! You have to call and ask for that first and give them lots of time!" I informed her I did that yesterday morning while she was sleeping. "Oh crap." So she's been catching up on 4 days of missed schoolwork.

It's been nice having the extra day to spend all together. We've been helping her with her homework, I did the grocery shopping before 6:00, and did a little laundry. Mostly we've just been enjoying each other. It's been a while since we've all felt like it.


  1. Glad you got a family day and hope Emma's headaches stay away. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Glad this turned out to be a good (and pain free day). Thank you for posting the update.
