Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fit Mama Club Week 5


Sort of...

I haven't lost anything yet, but I will!

I mentioned earlier in the week that I joined the My Fitness Pal website and downloaded the app for my phone. I also have extended my "support group" of weight loss seeking friends who cheer each other on and offer encouragement when needed.  I also bought a scale yesterday so I can finally track numbers.

Last Week's High -A week of mostly  healthy eating! I did eat in the cafeteria one day, but that was the ONLY day. I'm also tracking my food and exercise on MFP. I even worked out early Saturday  morning!
Last Week's Low - Thursday - Krystal breakfast on my way to work (scrambled eggs, toast, kryspers, tea) and cheeseburger and fries and soda for lunch in the cafeteria. Went way over my calorie goal for the day.
Plan for This Week - Avoid soda. Weigh myself daily. Keep tracking food and exercise.