Monday, December 5, 2011


Let me begin by saying that yes, my husband pointed out my mistake in Thursday's blog post. December 1 was NOT a Monday. In my defense, I copied and pasted from the NaBloPoMo page! Oops.

We've had sickness in our house, so Friday's  post is a little late. The prompt: What was the most disappointing gift you received as a child?

I can't think of any, really!

Ok that's not entirely true. Some things I was disappointed with at first, but then grew to love. There was one outfit in middle school that I hated when I first opened it, but it became one of my favorites. Then there was the silverware set. If I remember correctly, I was 12 when I recieved that "for my hope chest." Just what every girl wants, right? A Christmas present that she can't use or enjoy at all at that age, and something she won't even really get until she's older. It was Onieda flatware, the complete set with serving pieces and all. However, once I was married, it was amazing! We're using a different set now (because somehow most of the forks vanished during Emma's small years) but I still have the set.


  1. My mom got each of us girls an Oneida flatware set, too! Although we were much older I think. I still use mine, and I even had Nik order replacement spoons a couple of years ago.

  2. I love what you said about being disappointed at first... I think I've had moments of disappointment over gifts, but I usually move past that to see the thought and love. :-)
