Monday, April 23, 2012

Confidence killer

My car is in the shop. It wouldn't start over the weekend, and with my husband traveling carpooling isn't possible. So, we took it in this morning, looked at a car I've had my eye on for a few weeks, and then went to get a rental for me since it's going to likely be tomorrow it's even looked at.

One thing I noticed, though. At both the repair shop and the rental agency, I stepped back and had my husband do all the talking. He's also the one talking to the dealer about the car I want if mine isn't worth repairing. Even though we've already bought three vehicles from this dealer, and I use the same shop for all my oil changes and repairs, past mechanic experience has killed my self confidence when dealing with anything auto-related. I've never had a bad experience at either place, but I am still afraid of being screwed over because I'm a woman.

I hate that about myself. Even when I do get repair work done on my own, I call my husband, call my dad, I've even talked with random strangers to make sure I'm not getting ripped off. I have zero confidence about auto decisions, and no idea how to change that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Well, Christine, I'm sure you're not the only woman who has no confidence when it comes to cars! Don't be too hard on yourself :) Most men can't make homemade baby food, or create happiness in the home like women can!

  2. It's just a process you have to go through I suppose. Kevin and I are both paranoid about getting ripped off. Sooo we both listen, talk and pay attention to what is being said and look for red flags.

    I was thankful he was with me when we visited the pushy dealership last week because he stepped up and put the guy back in his place. I don't think that would have happened has it just been me.

  3. I so get it! I have that problem with doctors... they've blown me off so much in the past, I refuse to even go. Not a good idea, but I don't know how to build back up my confidence. And I'm the same way with mechanics. It's a shame women are blown off so much.

    Now... what do we do about it!?

    Hope you are on board for Blogathon 2012!!
