Thursday, June 6, 2013

My five favorite apps

Since I missed posting yesterday for the Blogathon, I'll post twice today. Yesterday was a theme day, my five favorite apps. I actually had to think about this! I, like most smartphone users, have way more than five that I use regulgarly. Here are my top five.

1. BlogPress This app is great for blogging on the go. It works for both Blogge and WordPress (free WP accounts only, though, not paid versions). You can add photos and video, and share posts automatically to Twitter and Facebook from the app when publishing. It's also easy to start a post, save as online draft, then finish it on a computer to add links or edit photo sizes or positions.

2. Kindle reader I have an actual Kindle that I love, but the reader on my phone is handy for times it's not convenient to use my Kindle, when I want to read a new purchase but don't have access to a wifi connection, or even at night when I can't sleep and turning on the bedside lamp will disturb my husband. Also, I use the app to read stories I've downloaded for Sophie, since my phone is in color and my Kindle is not.

3. 30/30 This is a free task manager app. I confess, I am very easily distracted. I have a few other task manager apps, but this one works best with my small attention span. You create line items with your things to do (I also include short break times to keep focus, and lunch) and how much time to allot to each item. Tap on start, and a timer will count down remaining time and a sound will alert you when it's time to change tasks. It is also simple to pause the timer, and to extend or shorten the alloted time as needed.

4. MapQuest (iTunes link, also available for Android) I don't have a seperate GPS system, so I sometimes rely on this app to help me find where I'm going. It's saved me from being lost in Atlanta after a wrong turn, gotten me to other people's houses when we've misunderstood given directions or when the desktop version of MapQuest had out of date information, and helped guide me to familiar roads when I've been on unfamiliar streets. It has spoken turn-by-turn direction, and if you are a short distance from your destination there is an option for waking directions instead of driving.

5. Amazon (also available for Android) I use this app a lot, and not just for shopping. I compare pricing in stores with the Amazon price to get the best price. I also use it to access my husband or daughter's wish list when I'm shopping for them. If I'm making an in-store purchase of an item I'm unsure about, I will look up each item on the app and read user reviews to help make up my mind.

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